Gostaria de chamar a sua atencao para um programa muito bom na area de « Mentoring » (mentoria ou aconselhamento profissional) para profissionais da area de TI formados no estrangeiro e encaminhamento para bons empregos na area aqui em Ottawa, que o ICTC esta’ realizando, em cooperacao com a Integation Resouces Canada (IRCI) e o Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (OCCSC). Esse programa piloto recebe recursos do Governo Federal pelo Foreign Credential Recognition Program (FCR).
Esse programa visa colocar voce em contato com um mentor super especializado na area de selecao de pessoal qualificado em TI que vai lhe ajudar a encontrar o emprego apropriado na sua area especifica aqui no Canada’. Mesmo que voce ja’ esteja empregado, mas nao na sua area de escolha, voce tambem pode participar desse programa.
O programa e’ realizado ao longo de seis quintas-feiras, sempre das 18 as 20 horas, no Otttawa Chinse Community Service Centre, 381 Kent St., em Ottawa (K2P 2A8).
Leia o comunicado que foi divulgado no website da Integration Resources Canada abaixo, veja se voce esta’ nas condicoes exigidas e entre em contato com a Sra. Naomi Fowlie, pelo telefone e e-mail mencionados no texto.
Boa sorte!
Jean Roberth Souza
Move your career forward in the
Information and Communications Technology Sector
Invitation to Join
As a professional who immigrated to Canada, and is interested in working in the information technology and communication sector (ICT), you are invited to join the Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) sector’s Mentoring program as a Mentee. This is a new initiative being implemented to meet the employment needs of this industry.
You will be matched with a Mentor who will have been trained to help you land appropriate employment in your field. Should you already be employed, but not in your career of choice, you are also invited to participate. All the mentors are volunteering their time to help you achieve your goals.
This project is made available though funding by the Government of Canada’s Foreign Credential Recognition (FCR), Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC) and the services of Integration Resources Canada Inc. (IRCI), in partnership with the Ottawa Chinese Community Service Centre (OCCSC).
• Language – Fluent in English - spoken & written with preference given to CLB level 7 and higher
• Education - University or college training appropriate to ICT field
• Legally able to work in Canada
Since we can accept a limited number of participants, we encourage you to register early. We regret but only those who meet the above listed criteria can be accepted.
Please confirm your participation by Monday, April 20th, 2009 with Naomi Fowlie at 613-321-2483 or by email
For more information on ICTC, please visit
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