Friday, April 3, 2009

Feira de Emprego / CareerFair em Ottawa (28.abril)



O Jornal Ottawa Citizen vai promover mais uma Feira de Empregos / Career Fair no Hampton Inn Conference Centre (proximo ao Shopping Boulevard St. Laurent) no dia 28 de abril.


Todas as areas de trabalho seram contempladas nessa Feira, mas havera’ um destaque especial para as areas de engenharia, IT & areas tecnologicas em geral e tambem saude.


Maiores informacoes no website abaixo.


Jean Roberth Souza




Ottawa Citizen Career Fair

Hampton Inn & Conference Centre



Tuesday, April 28th, 2009 | 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.



The Ottawa Citizen Career Fair welcomes professionals in Engineering and Hi-Tech, preferably with a minimum of 2 years of experience, as well as qualified individuals from the Life Sciences Sector (Cleantech, Medical Devices, Health Technologies). We are proud to have OCRI Life Sciences as our sponsor for this initiative. General career opportunities will also be offered at the Fair.


Register for free to attend the Fair and you will receive an email communiqué with information on exhibitors and their available positions to be offered at the Fair. Or simply visit our website on a regular basis to learn more. Once registered (optional and free of charge), you will also have the opportunity to maximize your visibility among a select group of recruiters, apply for jobs online, receive the latest job offers and industry news in your field of expertise, and much more.


Entrance to the Fair and all activities are "no charge" whether you register to attend the Fair or not!


Bring numerous copies of your résumé!


Hampton Inn & Conference Centre

Main Ballroom 118

200 Coventry Road

Ottawa, Ontario

Canada K1K 4S3

Phone: 613 741-2300


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