Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Manuais Oficiais de Redação e Estilo (inglês e francês)


Se voce tem de redigir documentos em seu trabalho e precisa de parametros oficiais para lhe guiar, eis aqui duas excelentes dicas que vao resolver o seu problema.

Sao os manuais oficiais do Governo Federal canadense de redacao e estilo para as linguas inglesa e francesa. Eles podem ser encontrados em qualquer livraria e nao sao tao caros.  

Boa redacao para todos!

Jean Roberth Souza


The Canadian Style: A Guide to Writing and Editing

2nd Edition, Revised and Expanded

The Canadian Style is an indispensable language guide for editors, copywriters, students, teachers, lawyers, journalists, secretaries and business people-in fact, anyone writing in the English language in Canada today.

It provides concise, up-to-date answers to a host of questions on abbreviations, hyphenation, spelling, the use of capital letters, punctuation and frequently misused or confused words. It deals with letter, memo and report formats, notes, indexes and bibliographies, and geographical names.

In this revised and expanded edition, new chapters give techniques for writing clearly and concisely, editing documents, and avoiding stereotyping in communications. There is even an appendix on how to present French words in an English text. - Paperbound - 16 cm x 22.5 cm - 312 p. -

- Paper - 1997

Cat. No. S2-158/1996E

PRICE: Canada $23.95 - (Other countries) US$23.95

ISBN 1-55002-276-8



Le guide du rédacteur

2e édition, revue et augmentée

Le Bureau de la traduction est très fier de vous présenter la deuxième édition du Guide du rédacteur. Outil d'aide à la rédaction et à la révision de texte, Le guide du rédacteur contribuera certainement à promouvoir une communication efficace au Canada.

Le guide est d'abord conçu à l'intention des fonctionnaires de l'administration fédérale, mais il s'adresse aussi à la clientèle plus vaste des communicateurs, langagiers et rédacteurs, qui sont aux prises chaque jour avec les difficultés de la langue. On y trouvera, comme dans la première édition, un répertoire de règles et de recommandations qui permettent d'uniformiser certains usages.

Le guide du rédacteur s'est imposé au fil des ans comme un outil irremplaçable pour tous ceux qui écrivent en français. Il fournit la réponse à une multitude de questions qui touchent l'emploi des majuscules, de l'italique et des signes de ponctuation, la façon correcte d'écrire les nombres dans un texte, les abréviations, les citations et les coupures de mots en fin de ligne. Cette nouvelle édition, complètement refondue, s'enrichit de plusieurs chapitres. Elle expose toutes les techniques possibles pour féminiser un texte, les grandes règles de la correspondance, les principes de la langue claire et simple et les règles détaillées des références bibliographiques, que la source citée soit imprimée, visuelle ou électronique. Un chapitre entier est consacré aux noms géographiques, des noms d'îles aux noms de pays.

Grâce à sa présentation sobre et à son index très détaillé, Le guide du rédacteur est facile à consulter. Ses longues listes d'exemples en font un guide pratique et complet. - Cartonné - 15 cm x 23 cm - 320 p. -

- Papier - 1996

No de cat. S53-8/1996F

PRIX : Canada 23,95 $ - (Autres pays) 23,95 $US

ISBN 0-660-95300-5

Pour commander

Friday, May 22, 2009

Boa noite amigos!

Dica para quem vai comprar um carro usado:

Verifique o histórico do veículo antes de comprar.
Entre no site www.carfax.com e compre o relatório.
Você só precisa de pagar a taxa e entrar o número do chassi do carro (VIN - Vehicle Identification Number).

Os preços:
1 CARFAX Report for $29.99
10 CARFAX Reports for $34.99
Unlimited CARFAX Reports for $39.99

Vale a pena. Acabei de me livrar de comprar um carro com registro de perda total.

Grande abraço

Friday, May 15, 2009

Grande Garage Sale em Ottawa (23 de maio)


O famoso “GGG” (Great Glebe Garage Sale) em Ottawa vai ser realizado no dia 23 de maio, sabado (do outro fim de semana), de 9 as 15 horas.

Trata-se de um grande evento onde voce vai encontrar praticamente de tudo usado a venda e por bons precos.

A dica e’ chegar cedo para pegar as melhrores ofertas e precos. Alem disso, tem de estacionar seu carro em algum lugar proximo, pois na area da feira mesmo fica bem engarrafado.

Boas compras!

Jean Roberth Souza


Great Glebe Garage Sale 2009

Each year for nearly two decades, thousands of people have flocked to the Glebe for the annual Great Glebe Garage Sale. This year's event is on Saturday, May 23, 2009 from 9:00am to 3:00pm.

About the Great Glebe Garage Sale

  • When: The Great Glebe Garage Sale is coming up on Saturday, May 23, 2008 from 9:00am - 3:00pm. (While 9:00am is the "official" start time, sellers and buyers are usually out much earlier.)
  • Buyers: Given the huge popularity of this event, with people even coming from out of town, safety can be a concern. The Ottawa Police have observed that some streets become so congested that emergency vehicles cannot get through. Please help keep our streets safe by walking or biking rather than driving around, and asking your friends to do the same.
  • Bring cash: ATM machines empty out early, so bring cash to avoid disappointment.
  • Sellers: All participants are asked to donate 10% of proceeds to the Ottawa Food Bank. On the day of the sale, Food Bank representatives will drop off contribution envelopes to all participants.
  • Rain date: The Great Glebe Garage Sale goes rain or shine.
  • Info: Please email any question or comments regarding the Great Glebe Garage Sale to GGGS@glebeca.ca.
  • More info: http://www.glebeca.ca/events/garage_sale.html

Great Glebe Garage Sale FAQ

  • What is the Great Glebe Garage Sale?
    It is a community event organized by the Glebe Community Association since 1986. Homeowners in the Glebe are the primary vendors working on their front lawns, driveways and porches. Collectively they make one giant sale that has become an annual community festival attracting thousands of people to the neighbourhood. 
  • What’s the connection with The Ottawa Food Bank?
    From the very beginning, the Glebe Community Association has encouraged vendors (and shoppers) to donate some of their proceeds to this important community service. As a registered charitable organization, The Ottawa Food Bank will issue tax receipts for donations of any size. Did you know that 40,000 persons a month use their local food bank?! Last year the Sale generated $8,200 in donations – we’d like to do exceed this total this year!
  • What will happen if it rains?
    The sale will continue rain or shine! There is no rain date for the sale. Vendors are encouraged to plan on using tarps or garages if there is rain in the forecast.
  • Where is the Glebe?
    The Sale is held in the city of Ottawa in ‘the Glebe’, the neighbourhood bordered by Bronson Avenue, the Queensway (417), and the Canal. A number 1 or 7 OCTRANSPO bus going south on Bank Street will take you into the heart of the Glebe.
  • How do I register as a vendor?
    There is no official registration, however there are restrictions as to where you can set up your sale. 
  • Can I set up a table on the sidewalk in front of my apartment building or in a local park?
    Absolutely NOT! Vending on public property such as sidewalks, boulevards, roads, and parkland is illegal without a permit and you may be ticketed by Ottawa by-law officers.
  • What are some tips for a successful garage sale?
    Set up early so that you are prepared for those early birds! Price all your items, either individually or in groups (eg. books 25 cents). Display items on tables or in boxes according to type and/or price. Have a cash box or change apron with lots of coins for change. In the case of large items that can’t be carried away, an impromptu sales receipt can be drawn up with a deposit and an exchange of telephone numbers to hold the item until the traffic has dwindled.
  • What about parking?
    Parking is limited at the best of times! We encourage you to walk, ride your bike or take the bus for best access. If you must drive, kindly park your car and walk in the neighbourhood rather than cruising in your car to reduce congestion. The amount of pedestrian traffic makes driving dangerous for everyone. Corpus Christie School and Mutchmor Public School (both at Fourth Avenue and Lyon Street) are selling additional parking space. Parking will also be available at Landsdowne Park. If you’re a Glebe resident, try to park your vehicle off the street to make room for the many visitors we expect again this year.
  • Are there any designated no parking zones?
    All the usual parking rules are in effect. Please check the posting of parking signs and insure that you are not blocking a fire hydrant or driveway. To ensure emergency routes stay clear, the following streets will be marked as tow-away zones: Fifth Avenue (from Bank to O’Connor), O’Connor, Monkland and Metcalfe. Parking enforcement will also concentrate on no stopping zones and double parking.
  • Are there ATM machines nearby?
    Yes. However they empty out early, so remember to bring cash with you.
  • How can I reduce my environmental impact? 
    Vendors - please place a garbage can by the curb for litter. With the large crowds this event attracts, there can be a large amount of litter produced. At the end of the day, clean up around your property and ensure you don’t leave debris on the street. Shoppers - please hold on to your litter until you see a garbage can and then stash the trash.
  • What about access to public washrooms?
    There are public washroom facilities available on the second level of Fifth Avenue Court (Fifth and Bank Street). The Glebe Community Centre (Third and Lyon) and St. Matthew’s church at 217 First Avenue (near Bank St.) will also be open to the public.
  • How do I donate to the Ottawa Food Bank?
    On the day of the sale, Ottawa Food Bank volunteers are in the area with a vendor kit that provides sale information and a form for making donations to the Ottawa Food Bank. You can also drop off a cheque to the Glebe Community Centre up until Tuesday May 29th. Patrick McGahern Books at 783 Bank Street will also be accepting donations on the day of the sale. You can go directly to The Ottawa Food Bank website and make an on-line donation at:www.theottawafoodbank.ca, or access a donation card at:www.glebeca.ca. Send your donation to:
    The Ottawa Food Bank
    1317B Michael Street
    Ottawa, ON K1B 3M9 
  • Are there other ways to help out?
    Yes! The Ottawa Food Bank would appreciate volunteers to help distribute information on the day of the sale. The GCA Environment Committee will be organizing a clean-up of Bank Street the next day and would love your participation. For more info contact GGGS@glebeca.ca.
  • FAQ provided by The Glebe Community Association



Related Links


Grande Feira de Livros Usados de Gatineau (6-7 junho)


Evento imperdível dentro das comemorações da 
Semana de Gatineau, de 31 de maio a 7 de junho agora. 

Trata-se da Grande Feira de Livros Usados que será realizada nos dias 6 e 7 de junho, sábado e domingo, na Arena Jean-Paul-Sabourin, localizada no número 70 da ru
e Jean-Proulx, no Setor Hull, aqui em Gatineau (referência: essa rua cruza o Boulevard Saint Joseph na altura do setor de concessionárias de carros novos e usados). 

Lá você encontra livros, CDs, DVDs, fitas de vídeo, pagando somente $2.50 o quilo do livro, ou $1.00 
por cada CD, DVD, ou fita. 

Nós fomos lá no ano passado e adoramos tudo. Importante chegar cedo e também levar uma sacola bem grande que possa caber muitos livros, pois certamente você vai se interessar por um monte deles. Tem praticamente de tudo, desde bons dicionários, livros técnicos de sua área profissional em francês ou em inglês, de literatura, romance, guias de viagens, livretos 
de histórias para as crianças aos montes, quem sabe até os livros que você precisa para se preparar para o seu mestrado!

A Feira está disponibilizando também serviço de garderie para que os pais possam deixar seus filhos bem cuidados enquanto procuram por livros. 

Veja o site abaixo para maiores informações e não percam esta oportunidade!

Boa leitura para todos!

Jean Roberth Souza


Grande vente de livres d'occasion

Dates et lieu

Samedi 6 juin, de 9 h à 17 h, et dimanche 7 juin 2009, de 9 h à 12 h, à l'aréna Jean-Paul-Sabourin (70, rue Jean-Proulx, secteur de Hull), près de La Sporthèque.

À vendre

Plus de 50 000 livres en français et en anglais :

  • romans
  • documentaires
  • livres pour enfants
  • bandes dessinées
  • livres de poche
  • langues étrangères
  • classiques
  • dictionnaires et encyclopédies
  • périodiques

Documents audiovisuels :

  • vinyles
  • DVD
  • CD
  • vidéocassettes
  • cassettes de musique
  • cédéroms

Source des documents :

  • Dons des citoyens
  • Livres retirés de la collection de la bibliothèque


Livres : 2,50 $ le kilogramme (représente entre 0,50 $ et 2 $ le livre)
Dictionnaires et encyclopédies : prix fixe en fonction de la date de publication
DVD et CD : 1 $ chacun

* À noter que la bibliothèque ne fournit pas de sacs lors de l'achat de livres.

Les profits

Les profits de cette vente seront versés à la bibliothèque municipale afin de soutenir ses projets de promotion de la lecture et ses activités d'animation.

Livres invendus

Tous les livres invendus seront offerts à des organismes communautaires de la région. Par la suite, les livres qui n'ont pas trouvé preneur dans la région seront donnés à des organismes de coopération internationale. Aucun livre ne sera jeté.


Chaque année, nous accueillons de 3000 à 5000 visiteurs. Le samedi matin est très achalandé en raison de la qualité du choix. Les catégories bandes dessinées, audiovisuel et livres d'enfants sont les plus populaires et sont souvent écoulées avant la fin de la matinée. Toutefois, des centaines de livres sont ajoutés pendant la journée du samedi et le dimanche matin pour renouveler le choix.

Merci aux bénévoles

Cette activité est un réel succès grâce à la participation de bénévoles. Plus de 50 personnes sont à l'œuvre tout le week-end pour offrir un service de qualité. En tout temps, vous pouvez vous joindre à l'équipe de bénévoles en composant le 819 595-7464 ou en écrivant à duchesne.andre@gatineau.ca.

Service de garderie

Les parents qui voudront bouquiner en toute tranquillité le samedi matin pourront confier leurs enfants au service d'animation. Ces derniers seront pris en charge pour une période d'une heure. Inscription sur place.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A maneira correta de espirrar no Canada'...


O assunto hoje é nojento, mas necessário: A maneira correta de espirar de acordo com o código de conduta e higiene dos canadenses.

Apesar de já ter testemunhado cenas escabrosas de canadenses (principalmente québecois) assoando o nariz em público, dentro de ônibus, no escritório, nos cafés... hoje me deparo com uma matéria educativa no Jornal 24 Hours de Ottawa e também com um vídeo educativo na Internet que explica como você deve proceder para evitar a disseminação do vírus da gripe, principalmente o da gripe suína – que atinge não somente quem é “porco”, mas também quem anda “limpinho”.

Por isso, se você não quiser chamar a atenção dos outros, espirre com classe sobre a manga de sua camisa (é o que se recomenda) para evitar de passar o vírus para a suas mãos e daí por diante... ou então ande com um arsenal de guardanapos Kleenex e mais aquele gel desinfetante para as mãos...

Agora, se você está rodeado de gente chata e quer ter um minuto de paz e privacidade em seu cantinho, eu recomendo você a dar um espirro bem alto e forte para a sua frente, pegar um lenço de pano, assoar o nariz escandalosamente e começar a dizer a seguinte frase: “Oye, por la Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, ¿qué pasa? ¡¡¡Siento que estoy con gripe!!!

... Pronto, tenho a certeza de que ninguém vai ficar por perto ou ao seu redor!

Um abraço,

Jean Roberth Souza

Assita o video educativohttp://www.videojug.com/film/how-to-sneeze-without-spreading-disease

Matéria do Jornal 24 Horas de 12 de maio de 2009

If you do the shirt sneeze, do it right 

24 Hours Ottawa
12 May 2009

The British are doing it better.

While I prefer the original English version of The Office to the NBC version, I’m not really an anglophile. But when Mother England’s right, she’s right.

Amidst worries of spreading swine flu, now called H1N1, Ottawa Public Health is encouraging residents to wash their hands properly and frequently, stay home when you’re sick and cough and sneeze into your sleeve instead of your hands.

Sick people staying home and clean hands are crucial for quelling the spread of illness. But this sneezing and hacking into your sleeve business is another story.

In 2006, Maine ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Ben Lounsbury created the educational video “Why Don’t We Do It In Our Sleeves.”

The five-minute video used humour to demonstrate the cough and sneeze guidelines accepted by the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention. It’s bad to cough and sneeze into your hands and then touch other people, phones, doorknobs, elevator buttons and other shared surfaces.

 By concentrating your expelled germs into your shirt sleeves, viruses are less likely to spread.

The problem is technique. I’ve seen people cough into the general direction of their shoulders, elbows or biceps. Most of the germs are expelled into the air.

You’ve got to make full mouth-on-shirt contact. Women wearing makeup, especially lipstick and foundation, are hesitant to do this, particularly while wearing a white garment.

One woman at my gym coughed into the general direction of her bare arm. If she’d coughed into her hands, she could have left her cardio machine and immediately used the hand sanitizer provided on the wall.

That’s why I prefer the British approach. AUK public health campaign urges people to “Catch it, bin it, kill it.” Sneeze into a clean Kleenex, throw it into the garbage and wash your hands.

Lacking Kleenex, unless you’ve mastered the full mouth-on-shirt technique, I still think it’s better to trap the germs in your hands and wash them.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Minha História no Canadá


Gostaria de compartilhar com vocês a saga do meu primeiro ano aqui no Canadá.

Para a minha grata satisfação, o jornalizinho (“Newsletter”) do Conselho onde trabalho publicou um artigo a meu respeito.

Vejam,  abaixo, as matérias em suas versôes em inglês e em francês e a sua tradução para o português no final.

Um abraço,

Jean Roberth Souza








Stories of landed skilled immigrants searching for job opportunities in vain, coupled with the current world economic turbulence, have become common in Canada recently. Undoubtedly immigrants face unexpected challenges living in a different country and culture, mostly when it seems that economic factors are not helping. However, this is not the case for Jean Roberth Souza. He has a very different story to tell us exactly in a moment when he is celebrating just one year since arriving in Canada.


In March 2008, Jean Roberth moved to Ottawa from Brazil plenty of dreams and expectations. His personal immigration project had finally reached what he had considered the final phase: landing in Canada.


As a fact, it was the initial phase of a new life. It was also time for Jean Roberth to test and experience everything he had learned and studied about Canada before his long trip north.


Actually Jean Roberth quickly found a temporary job in the communications field with a crown corporation in his second month in Ottawa, but after many CVs, interviews, networking and outreach.


Later, he found another temporary opportunity in a community-based project for immigrants. And since December 2008, Jean Roberth joined the Information and Communications Technology Council as Client Tracking Officer.


“Much has happened in the past year and I believe that I was very successful finding good opportunities in Ottawa due mostly to the intensive preparation I had before coming to Canada. The more prepared you are, the easier you will adapt to a new culture. I had spent almost two years analyzing the local job market, job offers, trends in my professional area, and trying to adapt myself culturally to the requirements here,” says Jean Roberth. “Another important aspect of my adaptation process to Canada was the support I received from immigrant serving agencies and their employability programs. Without them, the beginning wouldn’t be easy.”









De nos jours, des cas d’immigrants instruits qu’on a accueillis au Canada et qui cherchent en vain des possibilités d’emploi dans un contexte d’annonces scabreuses de mises à pied causées par les soubresauts de l’économie mondiale sont devenues monnaie courante au pays. Sans l’ombre d’un doute, les immigrants doivent surmonter les nombreux défi s qui surgissent lorsqu’ils arrivent dans une nouvelle culture sur une nouvelle terre d’accueil, surtout lorsque les facteurs économiques ne semblent pas favorables.


Cela n’a toutefois pas été le lot de Jean Roberth Souza, un employé du CTIC. C’est une version totalement différente qu’il a à nous raconter au moment même où il célèbre le premier anniversaire de son arrivée au Canada.


En mars 2008, Jean Roberth quitte le Brésil pour s’établir au Canada, rempli de rêves et d’attentes. Il s’apprête à mettre le point final à son projet d’immigration au Canada: son avion se pose sur une piste au Canada. Un aboutissement qui marque le début d’une toute nouvelle vie. Arrive alors, pour Jean Roberth, le moment d’observer de visu la mine de connaissances qu’il a acquis sur le Canada avant d’entreprendre ce long périple vers les terres du Nord.


Dès le deuxième mois de son arrivée, Jean Roberth a rapidement occupé un poste temporaire dans le domaine des communications au sein d’une société d’État qui a pignon sur rue à Ottawa, non pas sans avoir au préalable passé de nombreuses entrevues et distribué largement son C.V. Il a ensuite profité d’une autre occasion d’emploi temporaire dans un projet communautaire de services d’aide aux immigrants. Et depuis décembre 2008, Jean Roberth poursuit sa carrière au CTIC, à titre d’agent de suivi de la clientèle.


« Tout s’est produit au cours de la dernière année. Mes démarches pour trouver de bonnes occasions d’emploi à Ottawa se sont révélées fructueuses grâce, surtout, à la préparation intensive qui a précédé mon départ pour le Canada. Plus on est préparé, plus il est facile de s’adapter à une nouvelle culture. J’ai passé presque deux ans à étudier le marché local de l’emploi, à suivre les tendances dans mon champ professionnel et à essayer de m’adapter aux exigences du milieu sur le plan culturel» raconte Jean Roberth. Le soutien que m’ont offert les organismes d’aide aux immigrants et les programmes de préparation à l’emploi constitue un autre facteur important du processus d’intégration au Canada. Sans leur apport, il serait difficile de prendre son élan » ajoute-t-il.






Mais outra história de sucesso – desta vez dentro do CTIC


Historias de imigrantes bem qualificados que chegaram há pouco tempo ao país à procura por oportunidades de trabalho em vão, aliadas com a atual turbulência econômica mundial, se tornaram um tópico comum do dia-a-dia no Canadá. Sem sombra de dúvida, os imigrantes encaram desafios inesperados ao viver em um novo país e em uma cultura bem diferente, principalmente em um momento em que os fatores econômicos nao parecem ajudar muito. Entretanto, esse nao é o caso de Jean Roberth Souza, funcionário do Conselho de Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (CTIC). Ele tem uma história bem diferente para nos contar exatamente em um momento em que ele está comemorando somente um ano de chega ao Canadá.


Em março de 2008, Jean Roberth se mudava para Ottawa vindo do Brasil cheio de sonhos e expectativas. Seu projeto pessoal de imigração tinha finalmente chegado ao que ele considerava a fase final: Desembarcar no Canadá. Na verdade, isso era a fase inicial de uma nova vida. Era também a hora de Jean Roberth testar e experimentar tudo o que tinha aprendido sobre o Canadá antes de sua longa viagem para as terras do Norte.


De fato, Jean Roberth encontrou rapidamente um emprego temporário na área de comunicacao em uma autarquia governamental canadense já em seu segundo mês de residência no Canadá, mas isso só ocorreu após a distribuicao de muitos Curricula Vitae e por ter passado por muitas entrevistas de seleção, feito seus contatos profissionais e se apresentado bem ao mercado de trabalho.


Mais tarde, ele encontrou outra oportundade de trabalho temporário em um projeto comunitário de serviço de apoio para imigrantes. E desde dezembro de 2008, Jean Roberth iniciou sua carreira no CTIC no cargo de Assessor de Monitoramento da Clientela.


“Muito aconteceu no último ano e eu acredito que eu tive muito sucesso ao encontrar boas oportunidades em Ottawa devido principalmente à intensa preparação que tive antes de vir para o Canadá. Quanto mais preparado você está, mais fácil fica para você se adaptar à nova cultura. Tinha passado quase os últimos dois anos estudando o mercado local de trabalho e os tipos de empregos disponíveis, analisando as tendências na minha área profissional e também tentando me adaptar as exigências do mercado sob o ponto de vista cultural,” explica Jean Roberth. “Outro importante aspecto do meu processo de adaptação ao Canadá foi o apoio que recebi das agências de apoio aos imigrantes e dos programas de preparação para o trabalho. Sem eles, o meu início não teria sido fácil.”